Friday, January 14, 2011

Safarkeeygii Jaamacada UUM ee waqooyiga dalkaMalaysia..

Intii u dhaxeesay 30 Octobe-7 November, 2010ayaan safar gaaban ku aaday Waqooyiga dalka Malaysia oo ay ku taal Jaamacada Utara Malaysia ee marka magaceeda la soo gaabiyo loo yaqaan UUM isla markaana ay dhigtaan arday badan oo Soomaali ah.

Ujeedka safarkeeyga ayaa ahaa qeyb gal-ka xafladda Qalinjabinta ardayda Soomaalida iyo in aan Jaamacada UUM oo ka mid ah Jaamacadaha ugu magaca dheer dalka aan booqdo.

Jaamacadda UUM waxaa dhigato Soomaali fara badan sanad walbana waxaa ka qalin jabiya arday Soomaali ah oo bartay Culuumta nooceeda kala duwan iyadoo Jaamacadu ku taal Waqooyiga dalka Malaysia ee Gobalka Kedah.
Kedah waa Gobal sidee ah?

Gobalka Kedah waxa uu ka midyahay 13-k

a Gobal ee dalka Malaysia ay ka koobantahay iyadoo dalkani uu yahay dal Nidaam-ka Dowladnimo ee ka jirta ay tahay mid ku dhisan Gobaleesi ama federal.

Gobalkan Kedah waxaa loogu yaree Daarul Amano o micnaheedo yahay Hoygii Nabadda waana Gobal ku yaala xuduudka ay Dowladda Malaysia la wadaagto dowladda Thailand.

Gobalkan Kedah caasimadiisu waa magaaladda Alor Setar oo 45KM u jirta xududka dalka Malaysia iyo Thailand ay wadaagaan balse waa magaalo aad u qurux badan iyadoo ay Magaaladdan can ku tahay.

1- Waxaan ku dhashay R/wasaarihii ugu horeeyay ee dalka Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman Allaha u naxariistee oo xilka dalka hayay sanadihii 31 August 1957 – 22 September 1970.2- Sidoo kale waxaan Gobalkan ku dhashay R/wasaarihii hore ee dalkan M

udane Mahathir Bin Mohamedoo ah hormuudka horumarka dalka Malaysia walina Siyaada dalka ka dhax muuqda isagoo xilka hayay sanadihii u dhaxeeyay 16 July 1981 – 31 October 2003,Mudane Mahathir Mohamed ayaa 22 sano oo uu xilka dalka hayay sanadkii 2003

uu go’aansaday in uu siyaasada dalka ku wareejiyo shacabka reer Malaysia balse wali dhaq-dhaqaaqa siyaada kama marna Mudane Mahathir.
3- Dhan kalle waxaa sidoo kalle Magaaladan Alor Setar ku dhashay Wan Azizah Wan Ismail oo xildhibaan ka tirsan Baarlamaanka dalka Malaysia isla markaana ah afada u dhaxdo Siyaasiga Anwer Ibrahim iyadoo haweeneydan ka midtahay kooxaha Mucaaradka si weyna dalka looga yaqaan.

Gobalka Kedeh iyo Magaaladda madaxdiisa Alor Setar ayaa sidoo kalle caan ku ah beerashada Bariis-ka, iyadoo dalka Malaysia iyo guud ahaanba Qaaradda Asia ay caan ku yihiin Cunida Bariiska.

Jaamacadda UUM waa Jaamacad Sidee ah?

Jaamacadda University Utara Malaysia ee loo soo gaabiyo UUM waxaa kaloo loo

garanayaa Jaamacada Waqooyiga “Northern University of Malaysia”, Waxay ku taalaa Gobalka Kedah ee Waqooyiga dalka Malaysia iyadoo Jaamacada ay ku taal xadka Malaysia ay la wadaagto dalka Thailand.

Jaamacada UUM waxaa la furay 16 February 1984 balse dhismaha cusub ee hadda jaamacadu ku shaqeeyso waxaa la furaySeptember,1990,Dhulka Jaamacada ay ku fadhiso oo gaaraya 1,061 hectare ayaa ah runtii meel aad u quruxbadan si wacana loo habeeyay waxaana ku dhaxyaal Garoon sports, Garoomada loogu tala galay Tartaranka Baaburta, Masjid halkii mar qaadi kara ugu yaraan Shan kun oo qofood iyo dhismayaal ardayda deegaan ahaan u daganyihiin.
Jaamacada UUM waxa ay ku taala Tuulada Sintok oo 48km dhanka Waqooyi Koonfureed ka xigta Caasimada gobalka Kedah ee Alor Setar. Jaamacada UUM sidoo kalle waxay leedahay Hotel qurux badan oo dad Martida ama Jaamacada soo booqanaya ay dagaan.

Jaamacada UUM waxaa magacyadeeda ka mid ah Jaamacada Maamul-ka “Management university”, Jaamacadan ayaa xooga saarta Maamul-ka iyo Ganacsiga, inkastoo arday Soomaalida ee dhigata Jaamacadan ay badankood dhigtaan Culuumta Computer-ka iyo Culuumta la xarirta Ganacsiga.

Balse ardayda sanadkan ka qalin jabisay Jaamacada oo gaaraya 7 arday waxaa ku jiray Yaasir Mohamed Baffo oo ah arday bartay Culuumta Dalxiis-ka iyo sida loo maareeyo, aryda Soomaalida ee Malaysia wax ka barata inta badan ma bartaan Maddoyinka Dalxiis-ka, Sharciga iyo Saxaafada Intaba.

Ardayda Soomaalida ee dhigata jaamacadda UUM waxa ay ka yimaadeen gobaladda kala duwan ee Soomaaliya inkasto ardayda qarkood ay ka yimaaden dalalka Carabta.

Maalmihii aan joogay Jaamacadda UUM?

30 Octobe-7 November, 2010 intii u dhaxeesay ayaan Jaamacadda UUM joogay iyadoo Ujeedka aan u tagay Jaamacadda ay aheyd in aan la qeebsado farxadda arday Jaamacadda ka qalinjabibeysa oo qaarkood aan saaxiibo nahay.

Ururka Aryda Soomaaliyeed ee Jaamacadda UUM ee uu Gudoomiye u yahay C/risaaq “British” ayaa si wanaagsan iigu soo dhaweeyay Jaamacada, intii aan joogay Jaamacaddana waxaan ma dareemin wax cidlo ah oo ardayda Soomaalida ah qof walba oo marti ah si wanaagsan ayay u soo dhaweyan.

Dhanka kalle ardayda qalinjabisay iyo kuwa wali wax barashadda ku jira waxa rajo ka qabaan in mar un dalka nabad noqon doono iyadoo ardayda qaarkood aysan qabin rajo ah in xilli dhow ay dalka Nabadi ka dhici doono inkastoo ardayda ay ka simanyihiin wax u qabadka dalka iyo dadka.

Jaamacadaha kala duwan ee dalka Malaysia waxaa wax ka bartaa boqolaal arday balse dhibaatada jirta waxa ay tahay Dowladd dhaxe kama jirto Soomaaliya, haddaba Ardayda dibadaha wax ku barta side waxa ay barteen ay dadkooda oga faa’iideen doonaan?

Waxaan u mahadcelinayaa Ururula Ardayda Soomaalida ee Jaamacadda UUM iyo dhamaan araydii na soo dhaweesay. Mahadsanidiin dhamaantiin.


Ibraahim Da’ud Abdalle
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Monday, January 10, 2011

"SAC" Student Accommodation Center System

Student Accommodation Center

Web based are very important to any organization to expand business purposes most of people around the world has much knowledge about using the internet world wide to find information or serve their needs.

But some of people are well knowledgeable in internet based applications, as a result of this web based application are very important. A website allows you to showcase your products for everyone to see. You can explain the benefits, compare it with other products, or show testimonials of happy customers that already had benefits from your services.

Promote your organization people always share with others, the website could be shared this way, beside that people support organizations and causes that they believe in. A website is a fantastic tool to promote an organization and build trust. But only that is, if you do it right.

A well-developed website can convey trust and credibility, making people visit it always and get information or support you by sharing their ideas to improve your system.


With the commitment of equal opportunities to all, the Student Accommodation Centre aims at:

  • Activating and integrating the UUM SAC vision and mission into student’s programmes.
  • Communicating with students in order to satisfy their needs.
  • Transforming students' vision towards quality.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Xampp Apache and SMTP

Many users us PHP to program their E.mail form. And most of them face problems with " mail()function.

Famous massage Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in C:\wamp\www\TestApplication\sendmail.php on line 65, warning: mail(): Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in c:\programmi\easyphp1-8\www\drupal\modules\user.module on line 394, or sendmail.php on line 14.. etc.

These massages above came from trying to send an email through a web form.
It's from your local machine PC or Laptop.. Windows or what so ever.

Someone asked me this question:
How to send mail in php localhost?

To do that you should first create a mail form. You can use example at or you can create your own script for that.
I'll use the example at that site .

You need to create a php file .. call it whatever you like .. example mail.php
Copy that Code and Paste it. click save and choose place where you can run it later..
example Http://localhost/test/mail.php

Now go to your director where you have the PHP Apache Server. I use XAMPP and i have it at Drive C:\xampp

  1. First Step you gotta do is configuring the SENDMAIL.ini you can find that at this location C:\xampp\sendmail ... if you use other location please WATCH THAT AND CHANGE.
  2. Open the file sendmail.ini and look inside the file concentrically you'll find it this way:
    # Example for a user configuration file

    # Set default values for all following accounts.
    logfile "C:\xampp\sendmail\sendmail.log"

    # Mercury
    account Mercury
    host localhost
    from postmaster@localhost
    auth off

    # A freemail service example
    account Hotmail
    tls on
    tls_certcheck off
    from [exampleuser]
    auth on
    user [exampleuser]
    password [examplepassword]

    # Set a default account
    account default : Mercury
  3. Third step you need to have email that can provide you SMTP, HOST, PORT, USERNAME, PASSWORD. Many Email companies could provide you that.. in this Example I'll use GMAIL.. You can use Hotmail, Yahoo..etc.
    Just make sure you have the information above.
  4. Modify the Information at sendmail.ini with this one here.. and make sure you put your information for FROM, USER, PASSWORD
# Example for a user configuration file

# Set default values for all following accounts.
logfile "C:\xampp\sendmail\sendmail.log"

# Mercury
account Mercury
host localhost
from postmaster@localhost
auth off

# A freemail service example
account Gmail
tls on
tls_certcheck off
port 587
auth on
password **********YOUR_PASSwoRd

# Set a default account
account default : Gmail

Save the file.

Now after finishing that.. you need to modify other file called PHP.ini. It's the the one that have the configuration for your Apache server.
Again I've my XAMPP at C: if you have it at D: or else where WATCH THAT :). To get into the PHP.ini you need to follow this with my example C:\xampp\php\php.ini

  1. Open PHP.ini and you'll press Ctrl+F to get the search window. type inside mail and enter twice till you see [mail function] here what we want to reach. It'll all look like :-

    [mail function]
    ; For Win32 only.
    ; SMTP = localhost
    ; smtp_port = 25

    ; For Win32 only.
    ;sendmail_from = postmaster@localhost

    ; For Unix only. You may supply arguments as well (default: "sendmail -t -i").
    sendmail_path = "C:/xampp/sendmail/sendmail.exe -t"

  2. If it was different then this please consider that and change :) It should be the way above.
  3. Last Step Restart Apache.

    This works perfectly, but remind, that all mails you are sending via PHP now are coming "From:" (you cannot supply a different FROM: clause, even if you do so, it's overwritten).
Any Questions Please Comment and I'll try my Best to Guide you :))


Monday, August 23, 2010

Finally Play station 3 is HACKED now we can buy pirate games or download it

Is a play 3 of the most powerful handheld devices that can not be easily penetrated, and I have tried a lot of hacks and hackers to activate the ability to run pirated games on the device and all other attempts failed, and was one of the Geohot a person known to penetrate phone iPhone.

But it looks like the joy of Sony strongly apparatus and their inability to penetrate over, where the Group issued hackers piece USB install on a play Sechin 3 contains the application name backup manager, owners of the device to copy games on hard drive and run it without the use of DVD Albulurai

Way relied upon to break a play Sechin 3 way from the point of my strange, it allows for the device running the Debug Mode so that in the future install many applications on the device, and run the state Debug Mode was the only place for developers through the ad hoc organ to develop games.

Funny thing for me is to penetrate the device was way too easy and do not need to decode the machine and install any piece of interior, and I think that Sony will not tolerate and will be released an update that prevents the work program, and can request a piece USB from several sites, costing between 120 and 150 dollars

Here is video shows the modus operandi of usb and then run the backup manager

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Can love release our true self?

A wealthy Cuban coffee exporter, Luis Vargas, advertises for a US wife; Julia Russell, from Delaware, sends her photograph, but the woman who steps off the ship is much lovelier.

Luis marries her immediately and gives in to love. But Julia may not be who she claims: first a private eye shows up on behalf of Julia's sister, then the sister herself.

By now, Luis has given has wife access to bank accounts, and when she runs with his cash, he pursues her, with the help of Downs, the P.I., perhaps to kill her. Pursuit may be part of a con game as well, and Julia's past explains some, if not all, of what remains of the story.

In spite of this, This is a man who selects a mail order bride, he is surprised to see the beauty who appears before him. She alleges that she sent false photos to him to assure that he would love her for what she is and not for her beauty.

However, what she is a con artist, whore, and actress, who teams with a fellow actor to steal money from men. What she does not expect is that she falls in love with her new husband and ultimately must decide between him and her sadistic former lover.

Contains explicit sex including sadistic acts as Thomas Jane cuts Jolie's back with a knife as part of their lovemaking.