I was watching a reality show where a couple was having sex problems. Even though the guy was having regular sex with his partner she was not being satisfied. At the end of the show it was revealed that she was using sex toys to pleasure herself. The couple did not break up but if I was that guy I would of thought about breaking up because to me she is technically nonverbally telling him he has a small penis and sucks in bed . I mean she isn't satisfied with his penis but is satisfied with plastic. It's obvious that he does not size up to it.
These days you hear a lot about guys being dumped because of size and I think the main reason for it is because of sex toys. Women can now get whatever size they want so not only do us guys have to compete with other men but we now have to compete with plastic lol. The funny thing about it is that it's kind of our fault considering most likely men made the sex toys.
Question for guys: What would you do if you were in this guy's shoes where your girlfriend or wife is so unsatisfied she has to resort to getting off with plastic?
Question for girls: If a guy had a 6 inch wang and you had a 10 inch sex toy would the toy be more pleasurable and satisfying than the guy? Would you lie to the guy and tell him he is satisfying you and then in secret use the toy?