Why does this message keep coming up?
OK, so when I'm on MSN, my friend keeps sending me messages to click on links and stuff even though they are offline. The last one i had said that she had saw pics of me and that i has to click this link but my MSN said something bout security risks. Why does it keep saying she is offline when she is sending me messages?
This is one i just has..
ivy says (2:53 AM):
http://PictureFreakz.com/?user=p.diddy.usa&image=DSC00567.JPG ?!?
wen says (3:36 AM):
http://ImageTalez.com/?user=p.diddy.usa&image=DSC00678.JPG ?!?
somehow i look through what happened then i assume that might be reasons for it, which It's a phishing scheme.
So, Don't go to any of those websites. The people's MSN accounts have been hijacked and taken over by bots that send the website to other users on their friends list automatically, so that the runner of the phishing scam can get their credit card info/ MSN / Email accounts.
This website make also some of this messages http://de.pastebin.ca/. One of my friends has the same issue. He has a virus on his computer from click in on of the links. I said to him just ignore it and wipe your computer!
yeah man, I got that alot, its a virus, and god help u if u click on those links!