Here I'm, this blog for my friends who want to feel free to bringing up their vision.
So, if you like to publish what you think it should be published, then feel free to do it.
SHakur Idris
Is a play 3 of the most powerful handheld devices that can not be easily penetrated, and I have tried a lot of hacks and hackers to activate the ability to run pirated games on the device and all other attempts failed, and was one of the Geohot a person known to penetrate phone iPhone.
But it looks like the joy of Sony strongly apparatus and their inability to penetrate over, where the Group issued hackers piece USB install on a play Sechin 3 contains the application name backup manager, owners of the device to copy games on hard drive and run it without the use of DVD Albulurai
Way relied upon to break a play Sechin 3 way from the point of my strange, it allows for the device running the Debug Mode so that in the future install many applications on the device, and run the state Debug Mode was the only place for developers through the ad hoc organ to develop games. Funny thing for me is to penetrate the device was way too easy and do not need to decode the machine and install any piece of interior, and I think that Sony will not tolerate and will be released an update that prevents the work program, and can request a piece USB from several sites, costing between 120 and 150 dollars
Here is video shows the modus operandi of usb and then run the backup manager
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Can love release our true self?
A wealthy Cuban coffee exporter, Luis Vargas, advertises for a US wife; Julia Russell, from Delaware, sends her photograph, but the woman who steps off the ship is much lovelier.
Luis marries her immediately and gives in to love. But Julia may not be who she claims: first a private eye shows up on behalf of Julia's sister, then the sister herself.
By now, Luis has given has wife access to bank accounts, and when she runs with his cash, he pursues her, with the help of Downs, the P.I., perhaps to kill her. Pursuit may be part of a con game as well, and Julia's past explains some, if not all, of what remains of the story.
In spite of this, This is a man who selects a mail order bride, he is surprised to see the beauty who appears before him. She alleges that she sent false photos to him to assure that he would love her for what she is and not for her beauty.
However, what she is a con artist, whore, and actress, who teams with a fellow actor to steal money from men. What she does not expect is that she falls in love with her new husband and ultimately must decide between him and her sadistic former lover.
Contains explicit sex including sadistic acts as Thomas Jane cuts Jolie's back with a knife as part of their lovemaking.
Definition: Primary sources are original materials. They are from the time period involved and have not been filtered through interpretation or evaluation. Primary sources are original materials on which other research is based. They are usually the first formal appearance of results in physical, print or electronic format. They present original thinking, report a discovery, or share new information. Note: The definition of a primary source may vary depending upon the discipline or context.
Examples include:
•Artifacts (e.g. coins, plant specimens, fossils, furniture, tools, clothing, all from the time under study); •Audio recordings (e.g. radio programs) •Diaries; •Internet communications on email, listservs; •Interviews (e.g., oral histories, telephone, e-mail); •Journal articles published in peer-reviewed publications; •Letters; •Newspaper articles written at the time; •Original Documents (i.e. birth certificate, will, marriage license, trial transcript); •Patents; •Photographs •Proceedings of Meetings, conferences and symposia; •Records of organizations, government agencies (e.g. annual report, treaty, constitution, government document); •Speeches; •Survey Research (e.g., market surveys, public opinion polls); •Video recordings (e.g. television programs); •Works of art, architecture, literature, and music (e.g., paintings, sculptures, musical scores, buildings, novels, poems). •Web site.
Secondary Sources
Definition: Secondary sources are less easily defined than primary sources. Generally, they are accounts written after the fact with the benefit of hindsight. They are interpretations and evaluations of primary sources. Secondary sources are not evidence, but rather commentary on and discussion of evidence. However, what some define as a secondary source, others define as a tertiary source. Context is everything. Note: The definition of a secondary source may vary depending upon the discipline or context.
Examples include:
•Bibliographies (also considered tertiary); •Biographical works; •Commentaries, criticisms; •Dictionaries, Encyclopedias (also considered tertiary); •Histories; •Journal articles (depending on the disciple can be primary); •Magazine and newspaper articles (this distinction varies by discipline); •Monographs, other than fiction and autobiography; •Textbooks (also considered tertiary); •Web site (also considered primary).
Tertiary Sources
Definition: Tertiary sources consist of information which is a distillation and collection of primary and secondary sources.
•Almanacs; •Bibliographies (also considered secondary); •Chronologies; •Dictionaries and Encyclopedias (also considered secondary); •Directories; •Fact books; •Guidebooks; •Indexes, abstracts, bibliographies used to locate primary and secondary sources; •Manuals; •Textbooks (also be secondary).
Information from UM Libraries
Students are the direct recipients of the service provided by the university, Students’ Satisfaction has become an extremely important issue for universities and the management itself direct or indirectly. Hence, student satisfaction is an important issue in terms of quality of service provided in the marketing to be addressed by the university. University should focus the services to students because as a direct customer they receive the service directly from the university program. The objective of any university is to maximize student satisfaction, minimize dissatisfaction and therefore this in turn to improve the institutions performance. The improvement of the services provided by university can be achieved by getting feedbacks, comments, complaints or objections from the students as a customer. From the positive or negative feedback, the universities have a better view of the strengths and weaknesses of its services so that improvement can be made wherever necessary. This can be carried out continuously to gain better relationship to the students as a whole. This study is carried out to determine the level of satisfaction among the UUM students on the facilities provided such as internet service provided in the student residential halls in UUM and the quality of the service.
1.2.1 Residential Hall
As a fully residential university, the University Utara Malaysia provides accommodation for almost 22,000 of its students in 15 residential hall including a hostel for married students. Many of these residential halls are named after multinational companies. They are MAS, TENAGA NASIONAL, TRADEWINDS, PROTON, PETRONAS, EON, GUTHRIE, MISC, TM, PERWAJA, MAYBANK, BANK MUAMALAT, YAYASAN AL-BUKHARY, BANK RAKYAT and SME BANK. Each residential hall has its own facilities for students. There are common rooms, computer lab, cafeteria, laundry facilities (coin operated), shops, recreation and sports facilities. What our group will focus on this matter it'll be the internet service provide it.
2. PROBLEM STATEMENT . Generally in UUM, Students Residential Hall (SRH). And to the knowledge of the school management, there are good and adequate wireless connections in the respective residential halls. But there have been several complaints and rumors from students from respective residential halls about the lack of the wireless connection or the weakness in wireless strength.
2.1. Objective/ Scope
Referring to the topic of our research, student satisfaction and the quality of the internet services provided in the student residential halls in UUM. This research proposal would find solution for the problem given above in terms of its objective which is: . To measure the internet strength in the respective student residential halls. . Observe the student satisfaction on the already existing internet strength provided. . Measure the effectiveness of the positioning of the access points on several locations. . Propose measures on how to improve the strength of the wireless connections.
Holding an event for Anti-bullying, University Utara Malaysia take the step to have the honor of organizing this issue, jointly host a one-day seminar on cyber bullying.
Cyber bullying is a form of bullying that is on the increase, as new technologies (mobile phones, camera phones, internet facilities) both become more sophisticated and spread to a wider proportion of the population, including many children and young people. Whether bullying in general is more prevalent is debatable, but it is almost certainly the case (despite a lack of proper longitudinal statistics) that cyber bullying is increasing. For example, ‘happy-slapping’ or bullying by disseminating pictures via mobile phone, could not exist until mobile phones had this facility.
Several surveys of cyber bullying, by NCH and others (including a recent small-scale but in-depth survey for the Anti-bullying Alliance) show that currently cyber bullying affects a small percentage of pupils (c.2-5%) regularly, and up to 25% on an occasional basis. Some of this cyber bullying is in school, but quite a lot is outside school. As with other forms of bullying, adults are often not told. Some forms of cyber bullying, such as those using mobile phones, are thought (by pupils) to be more distressing than the more usual forms (physical, verbal, social exclusion, telling rumors), although some (e.g. email and chat room bullying) are thought to be less distressing.
(a)Identify and share current knowledge on the topic cyber bullying in overseas and in Malaysia.
(b)Introduce the policy and the guidelines which need to be followed by every Internet user to guarantee their safety in cyber world.
(c)Facilitating networking of researchers, professionals, IT manufacturers and young people.
(d)Identifying needs for further research and practical action.
(e)Planning a proposal for a larger-scale project to research and provide help in tackling cyber bullying.
4.1 Forum Date:
This forum will be held during one (1) day namely on Sunday, 10th of October 2010.
4.2 Place of Event
Forum location will be held fully in Dewan Seminar TM, University Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Kedah.
4.3 Participation
·SMK Dato' Sheikh Ahmad + 10 teachers.
·SK Sena + 10 teachers.
·Researchers who have worked in bullying, and cyber bullying.
·Representatives of mobile phone companies & internet service providers or IT expert.
·A legal expert.
·Representatives from school.
·Representative from police.
·Student from UUM.
With a likely total of about 100 participants or more to attend this event.
4.4 Fee
No fees that imposed to participants in this proposal yet.
Generally, cyber bullying fairly new in Malaysia and still many that do not realize that, it could be available among us. There’s a danger and people should work to put the lines on this issue. Cyber bullying cost innocent people to be victim.
This Forum which held in UUM, the aim of it to create awareness and introduce Students about what cyber bulling policy. We hope to get limit of it and work further to tackle it in future.
Due to this, identify issues, challenges and solution in this problem. Categorized this matter as important agenda that needs to be thoughtful by all parties to put a limit line and too tackled with more effective especially for future generations.
Shakur Idris
Nor Azlina
Mohd fazri
Mohamed Jamc
Noorul suhada
Noor azwaida
Forum budget expenditure our group still study the matter of it.
Example of the format:
Some experiences of cyber bullying
Summary of research on cyber bullying
Legal and child safety issues
Recent and possible future technological developments
What schools are doing currently
What needs to be done practically to help children, young people, parents, schools -working groups and plenary
What further research is needed - working groups and plenary
يعود الزعيم الكوبي فيدل كاسترو الى الاضواء ليلقي خطاباً امام البرلمان هو الاول له منذ تنحى عن الرئاسة قبل اربعة اعوام.
وكاسترو هو من دعا الى عقد الجلسة البرلمانية الاستثنائية هذه لبحث "الوضع الدولي".
وسينقل التلفزيون الكوبي وقائع الجلسة مباشرة اعتبارا من الساعة 11,00 بالتوقيت المحلي (15,00 ت غ).
وستكون اول مشاركة لفيدل كاسترو الذي سيحتفل في 13 اغسطس/ أغسطس بعيد ميلاده الرابع والثمانين، في جلسة برلمانية منذ مرضه الخطير الذي اضطره في 31 تموز/يوليو 2006 للتنحي عن الحكم لشقيقه راوول. كما ستكون المرة الاولى التي سيتحدث فيها مباشرة عبر التلفزيون منذ ذلك التاريخ.
وفي 26 يوليو/ تموز، اعلن اب الثورة الكوبية انه سيطلب عقد مثل هذه الجلسة ليحذر من احتمال اندلاع نزاع نووي في الشرق الاوسط في وقت وشيك بايعاز من الولايات المتحدة على حد قوله.
وفي الاسابيع الاخيرة ظهر فيدل كاسترو الذي كرس فترة نقاهته لكتابة "خواطره" حول احداث الساعة في الصحف وكذلك مذكراته، علنا مرات عدة لبحث الازمة الايرانية مع مفكرين وفنانين او دبلوماسيين كوبيين.
وفي رسالة نشرت الاربعاء الماضي في الصحافة المحلية وجه نداء الى الرئيس الامريكي باراك اوباما ليحذره فيها من مغبة اي تدخل عسكري ضد ايران.
Its thought that the Poodle originally derived from the German name 'Pudel', meaning water dog. Despite the 'clown like' stigma attached to poodles due to their variety of unusual haircuts, traditionally the Standard Poodle was used for retrieving fowl from water. A working dog renowned for it's intelligence, speed and agility. Its French name 'Caniche' also refers to its water dog origins.
Poodles are very playful, active dogs that love exercise and companionship with other dogs or people and thrive on attention. Highly intelligent and easy to train this athletic breed is eager to please and keen to learn. It's non molting, dense curly coat traditionally helped keep it warm in the cold waters but became heavy when wet, so to assist its swimming technique the coat was clipped from where it wasn't needed but grown on its chest, joints and vital organs to protect it from the cold. A colored ribbon was placed in the poodles hair to identify it in the water from a distance. Distinctive adaptations of these traditional methods can still be seen today. Poodles are now more commonly seen on the show circuit with stylish haircuts cut to precision or speeding around the agility ring. Their gracious style, speed and enthusiasm makes them successful at both.
The little apricot poodle never had a name, but I will call her Halley. Halley was one of 70 dogs rescued from a puppy mill. She and three other dogs were brought to our shelter by one of the Kansas Animal Health Department inspectors.
Most of the dogs that came into our care would need dental work, but otherwise would be healthy enough to be adopted into a forever home.
Halley never knew what it was like to have a warm bed to sleep on or a space all her own. It was the least I could do but to give her fresh food, water and a soft blanket to lay on that night. Halley didn’t know what treats or toys were, and even though she had never known what it was like to be loved, she would look up lovingly hoping to be noticed.
The conditions Halley was living in were so poor that she had no use of her back legs. She struggled to pull herself around on her two front paws while dragging her whole backside behind her. It was a pitiful and saddening site to witness.
When she was taken to the vet the next morning, it was evident she had been forced to breed over and over even without the use of her back legs. This would have been extremely difficult and painful for an animal in this condition.
The next time you think about buying a cute little poodle puppy from a pet store or a breeder, think of Halley. She, too, was once a cute little puppy that was given a death sentence by the puppy mill that bought her and used her to make profit until she was seemingly worthless to them. Even in the short time we got to know Halley, we could see they may have broken her body, but her loving spirit lived on. The job we do isn't always easy and often times is thankless, but giving Halley one day of knowing what it's like to be loved was truly worth it.
Apricot poodles are among the most beautiful of the breed. Their coats are a sunny, gleaming color, as implied by the name. Apricot poodles may have some variation in their color, such as a slightly darker feathering on their ears and/or tipping on their ruff. This variation is not considered a fault under the breed standards.
Apricots most often have black noses, eye-rims and lips, black-or self-colored toenails and very dark eyes. They may, however, have dark amber eyes, liver nose leather, eye-rims and lips. This, too, is permissible, but not the preferred coloration.
caring for your poodle's coat
No matter what the color, your poodle will have a beautiful, curly coat. Poodles do not shed, which makes them perfect for people with allergies. However, they do need regular grooming to keep them looking their best.
You should brush your puppy at least every other day to keep the coat from becoming tangled and matted. Here at Homestead Poodles, we raise our puppies in our home. They are handled, groomed and lavished with affection, so when they come to you they are well-groomed and completely socialized. Because of their initial upbringing, grooming them will be a much easier process for you.
It is important to note that your puppy should be bathed regularly, ideally twice a month. The toenails must be clipped, ears cleaned, and coat clipped in one of several different patterns. It's generally best to let a groomer take care of the clipping at first, though many owners enjoy learning to do it themselves. Don't expose your puppy to the grooming shop until after 16 weeks, when he/she will have had his/her shots for distemper.
U.S. Ambassador to Tajikistan Kenneth Gross, right, and British Ambassador to Tajikistan Trevor Moore stand fully clothed in a swimming pool in Dushanbe in July 2010. The men dived into the swimming pool fully clothed as payment for a bet struck on the World Cup. (AFP)
You know it's a slow news day when the Daily News decides to run a nine-page photo gallery of a naked rugby match on a beach in New Zealand. In the "News" section, no less. Or maybe an intern just got confused. "Oh you said you wanted a NEWS gallery? Uh, actually, nevermind, that's not gone live yet." NSFW, obviously. [Daily News]
Send an email to Ryan Tate, the author of this post, at