Saturday, August 7, 2010

yummi puppy playing around


Its thought that the Poodle originally derived from the German name 'Pudel', meaning water dog. Despite the 'clown like' stigma attached to poodles due to their variety of unusual haircuts, traditionally the Standard Poodle was used for retrieving fowl from water. A working dog renowned for it's intelligence, speed and agility. Its French name 'Caniche' also refers to its water dog origins.

Poodles are very playful, active dogs that love exercise and companionship with other dogs or people and thrive on attention. Highly intelligent and easy to train this athletic breed is eager to please and keen to learn.
It's non molting, dense curly coat traditionally helped keep it warm in the cold waters but became heavy when wet, so to assist its swimming technique the coat was clipped from where it wasn't needed but grown on its chest, joints and vital organs to protect it from the cold. A colored ribbon was placed in the poodles hair to identify it in the water from a distance. Distinctive adaptations of these traditional methods can still be seen today. Poodles are now more commonly seen on the show circuit with stylish haircuts cut to precision or speeding around the agility ring. Their gracious style, speed and enthusiasm makes them successful at both.

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