Monday, August 23, 2010

Finally Play station 3 is HACKED now we can buy pirate games or download it

Is a play 3 of the most powerful handheld devices that can not be easily penetrated, and I have tried a lot of hacks and hackers to activate the ability to run pirated games on the device and all other attempts failed, and was one of the Geohot a person known to penetrate phone iPhone.

But it looks like the joy of Sony strongly apparatus and their inability to penetrate over, where the Group issued hackers piece USB install on a play Sechin 3 contains the application name backup manager, owners of the device to copy games on hard drive and run it without the use of DVD Albulurai

Way relied upon to break a play Sechin 3 way from the point of my strange, it allows for the device running the Debug Mode so that in the future install many applications on the device, and run the state Debug Mode was the only place for developers through the ad hoc organ to develop games.

Funny thing for me is to penetrate the device was way too easy and do not need to decode the machine and install any piece of interior, and I think that Sony will not tolerate and will be released an update that prevents the work program, and can request a piece USB from several sites, costing between 120 and 150 dollars

Here is video shows the modus operandi of usb and then run the backup manager

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